Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Last post from

Hello everyone! 

This is probably the last time I will email all of you from the other side of the world.....haha its been so great. I have been just full of so many mixed emotions. Its been one of the most interesting times for me trying to decide whether I am happy to go  home or sad. Its just split right down the middle. Its going to be a great time going home, being able to see family and friends and ride my motorcycle again...but at the same time its going to be really hard to say goodbye to all of the amazing people I have met out here. 

All I can say is that I am working hard until the very end. I have loved every minute of this mission and wouldn't trade it for anything. Thanks for all of your guys' support and prayers. 

See you all soon! 

Elder Davis 
Philippines Cebu Mission


  1. Hello Bro. Davis! It is good to hear that your mission went well and that you did really great out there and will still continue to do so. I am a friend of Elder Tejada which is the reason why I found this blog and this is really great I like to share it to everyone!! Btw, did Elder Tejada treat you well?🙃

  2. Elder McKay, How did you come by your McKay name. My father was in Cebu in US Army at end of the war? I've always been curious if anyone there knew him. He had a Phillipino wife there. Thought I would ask.
