Hello everyone!
I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas! We had a great one here in Mabini. We had a very busy week this last week. but it was good none the less. We had a cool activity together as a zone on Christmas eve. Me and Elder Aquino got it all organized to where we would all go Christmas caroling to some people here in Escalante and then after that we had a big dinner with the zone. After we ate and stuff we had a white elephant gift exchange which was really really fun. I enjoyed it.
Then on Christmas day, we had our Christmas ward party and our baptism. It was great because tons of people joined in on the baptsim because it was a part of the party. So it was well. I really enjoyed talking with my family on Skype, even though the connection sucked hardcore haha. It was still good though.
We are staying so busy lately its hard to keep it all straight, but over all life is going great over here for me. I hope you all can have a safe and fun New Year! Its that time again to make new years resolutions and evaluate how we are really doing in life and make the needed changes to improve for the better. Do what you gotta do! Love you all!